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Happy New Year with La Tribuna!

Today, we unlock the last scene of our La Tribuna voice recital! We hope this year will be more positive for all of us, and may all your personal and professional dreams come true. We will keep working steadily for a possible premiere of La Tribuna, and there will be more news shortly.

About today's new excerpt:

  1. Amparo's Monologue "Soñaba, ilusionada" ("I dreamt full of joy"): Amparo and her workmates gather in front of the Liga del Norte meeting (a historic revolutionary event) to express their moral support. Amparo holds an emotional and heartfelt speech, in which she lays out her dream of how to participate as revolutionary activist.

  2. President "Acércate, jovenzuela" ("Come here, young girl"): Following her speech, Amparo offers a bunch of roses to the President of the Círculo Rojo (Red Circle), who is visibly impressed. He praises her vigor and wisdom, naming her Tribuna del Pueblo (People's Tribune), being happily acclaimed by the surrounding people, whose following big choir closes the first act, here merely hinted at by a small three-voice excerpt.

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